Glossary of the First World War - U
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
U-Boat: Allied term for German submarines, derived from Unterseeboot, the German for submarine.
UB-Boats: Small submarine used for local patrols.
Uberlandwagen: Transport vehicle with a tanks base.
UC-Boats: Small German submarine minelayers.
UD: Unterkunfts-Departement, Quartering Department of the German War Ministry.
Ufag C-I: Austrian reconnaissance biplane.
Uhlan: German lancer.
Ulanka: German lancer’s tunic.
Uncle Charlie: Full load of equipment.
Unditching Beam: Iron reinforced wood used for unditching tanks.
Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: The practice of using submarines to attack anything, civilian craft as well as military ones.
Unteroffizier: German NCO.
Umpty Poo: A bit more.
Up the Jigger: In the trenches.
Uryadnik: Cossack sergeant.
USW: Unrestricted Submarine Warfare.
USAAS: United States Army Air Service.