How to Disable the Mouse Pointer Using JavaScript
- 1). Press the "Windows" plus "R" keys on the keyboard to display the "Run" dialog box. Type "Notepad" in the text box and press "Enter" to open the program.
- 2). Click the "File" drop-down menu and select "Open." Navigate to the location of the HTML file to edit and click the "Open" button to load the file.
- 3). Scroll down to the "<head>" section of the code.
- 4). Type "<script language="text/javascript">" and press "Enter." Add the following function:
function noLeftClick() {
Press Enter. Type:
if (event.button==1) {
Press "Enter." - 5). Type:
alert('Left Click Disabled')
Press "Enter."
Type two close brackets as follows:
Press "Enter."
Press "Enter." - 6). Type "</script>" to complete the code. Click the "File" drop-down and select "Save." Upload the file to your server and test the page.