Do Men Need to Take Male Vitamins?
The gamut of male vitamins grows each year and many health issues faced by both men and women are proven to be due to nutrient deficiency.
What's In Mens Vitamins? The answer to this question is largely dependent on what type of supplement you are taking.
For example if you are taking a male enhancement supplement you'll expect to find zinc, ginseng and a host of male herbs that act as boosters or enhances to virility and performance.
If you're taking prostate vitamins you'll expect to find a broad based multimineral, antioxidants and herbs in the supplement, not just vitamins.
There are an increasing number of vitamins for men coming on to the market and not all are created equal.
The best supplements to take are natural ones with no binders and non-active ingredients.
You can't always get your pills in a capsule form but these generally are better than taking a tablet as many tablets use binders.
Though today with the more high tech supplements you do get those compounded with fructose so they breakdown in the gut and can absorbed readily rather than passed out un-utilized.
Why Take Vitamins for Men? The fact remains that our soils are depleted in nutrients because of our modern farming practices.
Whatever grows in those soils are therefore deficient in nutrients.
To get the daily need of vitamin c intake, for example, you now need to eat 20 supermarket oranges.
If you can do that daily then you don't need to take vitamins.
In 1999 a Canadian study revealed that the nutrient levels in broccoli along had fallen significantly between 1951 levels to 1999 levels.
In 1951 3 spears of broccoli contained 130mcg of calcium and 3,500 I.
U's of Vitamin A.
However in 1999 they fell dramatically to only 48.
30mcg of calcium and only 1,542 I.
U's of Vitamin A.
There are more studies that reveal similar findings in the EU and United States over a variety of foods, dispelling the myth once and for all that you can get all the nutrients you need in a well balanced diet.
Few people eat a balanced and nutrient rich diet on a consistent daily basis, especially men who lead stressful lifestyles.
This further increases the need to supplement.
So yes indeed for men, we do need to take daily male vitamins to ward of diseases and stay vital and healthy.