The Raw Food Diet - Is it All It"s Cooked Up to Be?
The Raw Food Diet as you probably assume from it's name is based on the concept of eating uncooked foods, mainly vegetables and fresh fruit.
Followers of this diet believe that cooking food destroys vital nutrients and eliminates things in the food that are good for the body such as enzymes.
You can have some cooked food while on this diet but most of your food consumption must consist of raw foods.
This type of diet is more of a long term way to change your eating habits and become healthier than a short term weight loss plan.
Studies have shown that people who stay with a raw food diet lose weight, have more energy and fewer digestive problems.
Before starting a raw food diet here are some facts you should know.
It is quite a shock to the body when beginning this type of diet.
First of all be prepared to spend more time than usual in making your meals.
Planning and making the meals can be expensive and time consuming.
Finding some of the ingredients in a raw food diet will be difficult.
You may also experience strong cravings for salt, fat and cooked meals although these should diminish over time.
There will be other physical and mental symptoms you might experience.
Physically you may experience tiredness, dry skin and headaches.
Mentally you might feel moody, have trouble concentrating and may not be as alert.
Not everyone will experience these type of symptoms or you may have other symptoms unrelated to these.
The good news is that most if not all of these symptoms should go away after the first two weeks on the diet.
Switching to a raw food diet will have benefits for most people.
You stand a very good chance of losing weight on this diet even as you are eating more food.
A person following this diet should be able to eat more food than on a diet of cooked food.
After the initial period of lethargy you should find that you have much more energy than you did before.
Studies have shown that this type of diet should help you achieve a higher level of health.
Your chance of heart disease and other disease's could decrease.
Some people that follow the raw food diet have seen improvement with their acne problems.
To sum it all up the diet plans researched is a serious lifestyle change that people will need to consider carefully before deciding to try.
Gather as much information as you can and talk to your Doctor or health care adviser and get their opinion.
If you decide to go on the raw food diet it will require a considerable commitment but there are definite benefits both mentally and physically.
Followers of this diet believe that cooking food destroys vital nutrients and eliminates things in the food that are good for the body such as enzymes.
You can have some cooked food while on this diet but most of your food consumption must consist of raw foods.
This type of diet is more of a long term way to change your eating habits and become healthier than a short term weight loss plan.
Studies have shown that people who stay with a raw food diet lose weight, have more energy and fewer digestive problems.
Before starting a raw food diet here are some facts you should know.
It is quite a shock to the body when beginning this type of diet.
First of all be prepared to spend more time than usual in making your meals.
Planning and making the meals can be expensive and time consuming.
Finding some of the ingredients in a raw food diet will be difficult.
You may also experience strong cravings for salt, fat and cooked meals although these should diminish over time.
There will be other physical and mental symptoms you might experience.
Physically you may experience tiredness, dry skin and headaches.
Mentally you might feel moody, have trouble concentrating and may not be as alert.
Not everyone will experience these type of symptoms or you may have other symptoms unrelated to these.
The good news is that most if not all of these symptoms should go away after the first two weeks on the diet.
Switching to a raw food diet will have benefits for most people.
You stand a very good chance of losing weight on this diet even as you are eating more food.
A person following this diet should be able to eat more food than on a diet of cooked food.
After the initial period of lethargy you should find that you have much more energy than you did before.
Studies have shown that this type of diet should help you achieve a higher level of health.
Your chance of heart disease and other disease's could decrease.
Some people that follow the raw food diet have seen improvement with their acne problems.
To sum it all up the diet plans researched is a serious lifestyle change that people will need to consider carefully before deciding to try.
Gather as much information as you can and talk to your Doctor or health care adviser and get their opinion.
If you decide to go on the raw food diet it will require a considerable commitment but there are definite benefits both mentally and physically.