Top 5 Reasons To Start A Home Based Business
It was the norm to just accept the fact that going to school to get your high school diploma so you could get a good job.
Then it became necessary to go to college for at least four years to get a degree in your choice of major.
This would allow you to do what you "love" and be able to make a good income.
You would be able to set aside some of that income for your retirement.
At the same time be able to support your family with a steady income from your job.
Those days are gone.
The economy today has even gotten many advisers to encourage individuals to not rely on their jobs for that so called financial security.
In fact, you will see that more and more it is the norm to hear that your best move is to get started in a home based business if you really want to get control of your financial security.
The following are the top 5 reasons to start a home based business: Job Security What is job security? Today there is no such thing.
Job incomes today do not equal the cost of living.
There are more families in low income status because of the rise in cost of living.
Eventually there will only be two classes: low and high income.
Lay off's are more prevalent today than ever before.
More companies are going to outsourcing their work rather then keep employees on the payroll.
Having a home based business will not only help in alleviating some of these stresses, but it can also aid in funding your retirement and most likely replace your jobs income.
Pension Plan It used to be that companies were graded by the type of pension or retirement plan they had to offer.
Again, this is something of the past.
Companies are everyday cutting back on pension plans, if not eliminating them.
These plans are no longer being offered with many companies.
How good does that make you feel? Social Security just is not even something that this generation and future generations can rely on.
This is another reason it is a smart move to start a home business.
Tax Benefits Many don't realize it but having a home business can actually aid you with different tax benefits.
I am no expert in taxes so you may want to consult your tax preparer to see how you can benefit.
But a point you need to consider is that running a business from your home may open many ways where you can cut back your taxes.
You may be able to deduct portions of your monthly expenses that you would normally have without a home business.
Save Money In starting a home based business full-time, you will be able to save money on costs that you would normally incur on having a job.
These things would involve commuting, childcare, and even grocery costs.
Many have been able live on a less income or have a better family life due to being home.
Better Well-Being How many times have you come home from work stressed out because you're not sure if this weeks paycheck is going to cover your bills? How many nights of good sleep do you lose because of your concern of being able to provide for your family? Or how many times have you had no energy to spend with your family because you just put in 60 hours of work this past week? Your health unbeknownst to many, takes a huge impact when you are overwhelmed with concerns as stated.
Depression, heart disease, and many more other health ailments can rear their ugly heads up because your job and current income is at the forefront of your stress.
Starting a home based business would allow you to add a side income part-time.
This would maybe take away some of the fear of being laid off.
This could eventually develop into a full-time home based business where you would have total control of your hours and your income.
You would be able to set aside time for the things that are more important to you: your family.
If you are tired of the heartache of not having enough time for your family because of your job or because you want a better life, then I encourage you to connect with me.
You too can succeed in a home based business like thousands are doing today.
Are you prepared to dedicate another 20 plus years to just making a measly income and not being sure if you will be able to have a retirement? If your answer is no, then connect with me and take control of your life today.