5 Great Tips For Triathlon Nutrition
These are some of the most important triathlon trips you will ever read. No-matter who you are, whether you are doing a mini-triathlon or an iron man, triathlon nutrition is extremely important.
1. Eat a balanced diet
You have heard this creed a million times but why is it the most important of these triathlon tips? Well, your body is not just a sponge that sucks up everything you throw at it. In fact, it needs 100s of different amino acids, vitamins, minerals and different nutrients, in CERTAIN COMBINATIONS to function effectively and to absorb nutrients effectively. For example, vitamin C needs iron to be absorbed properly. This doesnt mean have steak for breakfast, iron is readily available in many foods, especially grains. What it does mean is that not only should your over-all diet be balanced, but each meal you eat needs to have a balance of different foods get the maximum value for the food you are ingesting.
2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
We all know fruits and veggies are good for us having been told since we were 3 years old. But why? You probably know that they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals important for your body but this is only the beginning. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water which hydrates and also has an excellent detoxifying effect. The carbohydrates found in most fruits and vegetables are low GI which means they provide slow sustained energy and are more likely to be converted to heat energy in your body rather than stored as fat.
3. Customise your diet to meet your needs
Every body is different. You dont need to go out and have an expensive assessment done, just listen to your body. Take time to notice how you feel after a particular meal and what effects it has on your body. If you feel great, eat it again, if you dont then there is lots more to choose from. Most of the time we dont really think about the effect foods we are eating have on our body
4. Drink plenty of water
Your body is 80% water and water is involved directly in all the metabolic pathways in the body. Even slight dehydration can reduced functioning by up to 20%. Not drinking enough water in any part of your day would be like riding your bike with no grease on the chain what-so-ever. You may not have tried this but your chain would not last very long and it would be very hard to do. Keep a water bottle near you at all times and allow yourself to sip from it regularly. Make a habit of monitoring your urine colour to assess hydration throughout the day.
5. Limit junk food or don't eat it at all.
We all know its bad but if you eat it then I dont think you know quite how bad it is. The fact is, junk food is not just completely useless for your body but it is extremely damaging. Would you rather wack yourself in the face with a hammer than bother to cook a healthy meal for dinner or spend the extra money for something else? Junk food is pumped with animal growth hormones that reduced its life from birth to abattoir to a third. These hormones mess with your body. They make you moody and they give men boobs. Hamburger patties are up to 50% filler which is made from offal and cleaned with ammonia to kill e-coli bacteria. The sugar in meals is so refined your body absorbs and depletes it in 2 hours you get high and then crash and burn like plane. Dont do it to yourself. No-matter who you are, whether competing in a Mini Triathlon or an iron man, its time to start taking your triathlon nutrition seriously.
1. Eat a balanced diet
You have heard this creed a million times but why is it the most important of these triathlon tips? Well, your body is not just a sponge that sucks up everything you throw at it. In fact, it needs 100s of different amino acids, vitamins, minerals and different nutrients, in CERTAIN COMBINATIONS to function effectively and to absorb nutrients effectively. For example, vitamin C needs iron to be absorbed properly. This doesnt mean have steak for breakfast, iron is readily available in many foods, especially grains. What it does mean is that not only should your over-all diet be balanced, but each meal you eat needs to have a balance of different foods get the maximum value for the food you are ingesting.
2. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables
We all know fruits and veggies are good for us having been told since we were 3 years old. But why? You probably know that they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals important for your body but this is only the beginning. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water which hydrates and also has an excellent detoxifying effect. The carbohydrates found in most fruits and vegetables are low GI which means they provide slow sustained energy and are more likely to be converted to heat energy in your body rather than stored as fat.
3. Customise your diet to meet your needs
Every body is different. You dont need to go out and have an expensive assessment done, just listen to your body. Take time to notice how you feel after a particular meal and what effects it has on your body. If you feel great, eat it again, if you dont then there is lots more to choose from. Most of the time we dont really think about the effect foods we are eating have on our body
4. Drink plenty of water
Your body is 80% water and water is involved directly in all the metabolic pathways in the body. Even slight dehydration can reduced functioning by up to 20%. Not drinking enough water in any part of your day would be like riding your bike with no grease on the chain what-so-ever. You may not have tried this but your chain would not last very long and it would be very hard to do. Keep a water bottle near you at all times and allow yourself to sip from it regularly. Make a habit of monitoring your urine colour to assess hydration throughout the day.
5. Limit junk food or don't eat it at all.
We all know its bad but if you eat it then I dont think you know quite how bad it is. The fact is, junk food is not just completely useless for your body but it is extremely damaging. Would you rather wack yourself in the face with a hammer than bother to cook a healthy meal for dinner or spend the extra money for something else? Junk food is pumped with animal growth hormones that reduced its life from birth to abattoir to a third. These hormones mess with your body. They make you moody and they give men boobs. Hamburger patties are up to 50% filler which is made from offal and cleaned with ammonia to kill e-coli bacteria. The sugar in meals is so refined your body absorbs and depletes it in 2 hours you get high and then crash and burn like plane. Dont do it to yourself. No-matter who you are, whether competing in a Mini Triathlon or an iron man, its time to start taking your triathlon nutrition seriously.