Increase Productivity For Your Hr Department
If tracking employee data has become difficult and the compliance with laws like the ADA, FLSA, and FMLA is becoming expensive and difficult to manage because of the frequency of errors, you can consider HRIS. An integrated HRIS can decrease the noncompliance issues dramatically, reduce the burden from your HR staff, and literally take your business to a new height.
HRIS can be defined as an integrated system that comprises of a centralized repository that stores employee data for reporting and analysis purposes. The function of HRIS is not restricted to collect, store, record, manage, and deliver employee data but to perform most complex transactions and employment actions such as applicant tracking, performance management, attendance, compensation and benefits management, work force analysis, and scheduling.
Some benefits of using HRIS are:
Enhanced Productivity: The use of HRIS can improve the efficiency of your HR team. It allows the overburdened HR staff of your company to relax and invest their time in more strategic tasks. Usually, the common administrative functions such as record keeping, managing the personal data of employees and completing paperwork, take a lot of time of HR department and makes it less productive.
Single Point of Data Entry: A fully integrated HRIS system allows single point of data entry, which makes the system data highly accurate. The information once entered into HRIS system is available to all integrated HR application modules such as Leave, Payroll, and Attendance. The need to enter employee information in all the HR modules separately is eliminated and the possibility of manual data entry errors is reduced.
Improved Productivity through ESS and MSS: The Employee Self Service (ESS) and Manager Self-Service (MSS) features are excellent ways to free up the HR staff time by reducing their data entry tasks. Because all the data and relevant information is placed in single database, employees can access and manage information themselves using employee self service. The managers can perform management related tasks using manager services instead of troubling HR staff for each small thing.
Reporting: The biggest advantage of using integrated HRIS system is to generate reports. As all the important information is stored at one place, it is quite easy to generate various summary as well as detailed reports. For example, you can generate a comprehensive listing of all job applications and the salary data and incentive compensation of all the employees. In addition, you can view the results of all the performance appraisals and the disciplinary actions taken against employees. Further, you can generate a compensation report to prepare your annual budget.
Benefits Management: Every company provides its employees certain benefits. The benefits may require the information of dependents of the employees and their contact data. The employees services feature of HRIS allows efficient administration of benefits with as little manpower as possible. It empowers employees to manage their benefits information themselves, thereby saving an organizations time and money. An employee can log in and change an address, update W-4 data, emergency contact information, dependents, beneficiaries and direct deposit information etc.
Try using EmpXtrack HRIS, which is fully integrated with other HR Modules and reporting tools. It offers you a clear insight into organizational resources and helps your HR staff to manage the employee data with ease, consistency, and accuracy.
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