10 Benefits of Cork Flooring
2.Reduced Noise- Cork does not enhance sound it reduces it. The multi-cellular surface does wonders for someone who wants to reduce noise in their home.
3.Insulation- Save some money on energy bills! The multi-cellular surface traps air in pockets to serve as an insulater. This will keep in the warm air when the heater gets turned on. When the weather is hot and the AC is needed the pockets will help keep in the cold air.
4.Moisture Repellent- Cork is made from the tree Cork Oak which contains suberin. Suberin is produced by plants to prevent moisture from entering its tissues. So naturally moisture will not penetrate your floor to cause damage.
5.One of kind look- The natural beauties of cork flooring don't compare to any other floors. Cork is made as a conversation piece so no two tiles are the same. Each tile is its own unique design with much character.
6.Environmentally Friendly- The bark of the tree Quercas Suberin is peeled every 9 years or so to allow for the tree to grow. This process does not harm the tree at all. The bark is used to make cork stoppage first, then cork floors are made from the leftovers. All the leftovers are sliced then baked to ensure a durable product.
7.Easy Installation- Cork has a cork lock system that allows for an easy installation. The cork tiles can be easily cut, making adjustments to walls a much more simpler task. Since cork is compressable, it allows more room for error during installation. Damaging the product is not an easy task, assuring that the quality of the product is rated very high.
8.Versatility- Before, cork flooring didn't have much variety when it came to design and color. Even with the floors being good looking the lack of choices turned people away. Today new ways of design have come into play. With new dyes being added to the floors, colors and designs now come in a plethera of choices.
9.Durability- With the floors ability to compress, durability is a strength. Furniture damage or heels will be a non-factor because the floor will recover from the impact.
10.Repairable- Any scratches or divots are not noticable with the way that the floor is designed. With major gashes you can fill in with epoxy and varnish so the damaged tile matches the rest of the floor. If it's major damage, then replacing the tile will be a managable task.