How to Hang a Collage of Pictures
- 1). Decide how you want the photos arranged by laying the photos on the floor; arrange them until you like how the collage looks. Group similar size frames together for a more uniform look.
- 2). Spread out the brown craft paper on the floor. Lay each picture on top of the paper in exactly the same arrangement you laid them out. Trace around each picture onto the paper. Before removing the picture place a small numbered label on the picture and write the same number on the paper; this will help you remember which picture goes where on the wall.
- 3). Cut out the shapes traced on the paper. Tape each shape on the wall in the same arrangement the photos were laid out on the floor. Rearrange if necessary until you like how it looks.
- 4). Mark each shape on the wall. Using a nail poke a hole through the paper; poke the hole 1/2-inch down from the top edge paper directly in the center. Remove the paper from the wall; lightly write the number from the paper on the wall with a pencil. If necessary use a pencil to mark the position of the hole so it's easier to see. Repeat this step for all the pieces of paper.
- 5). Attach the picture hanging hardware using the marked spots as a placement guide. Hang the pictures by matching the numbered labels to the numbers on the wall; remove the labels from the pictures.