WotLK Addons - Top 10 Most Downloaded Mods in World of Warcraft
Because of the wide variety of mods and addons, it may be difficult to know which ones are the best for your class.
I am here to show you what some of the most widely used addons are in WoW Wrath of the Lich King.
According to statistics at curse.
com, these are the top 10 most downloaded addons in World of Warcraft WotLK: 1) QuestHelper - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 17,603,306 Many of you that are reading this has most likely heard of QuestHelper (outside of WoW or inside WoW).
This addon is known for being the best leveling mod in WoW Wrath of the Lich King.
The database it uses is very extensive and will help you find exactly where you need to go in the game.
Not only that, it will also compute the fastest path for you to complete all of your quests in your quest log! That in itself is a HUGE bonus as it will help you gain experience in the most effective way possible.
2) Recount - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 4,453,450 If you are looking for a solid graphical damage meter, then look no further.
This addon will help you monitor damage done, dps, damage taken, healing done, and much much more! The graphs are very easy to read and are exceptionally accurate.
3) Atlasloot Enhanced - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 13,342,217 This UI mod will allow you to view all of the loot tables for every boss in the game.
Not only that, but it will also show you drop rates and allow you to link items in any chat channel.
4) Cartographer - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 8,135,336 This addon is great for viewing all of the maps in World of Warcraft (even if you haven't explored the zones yet).
5) Deadly Boss Mods - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 7,144,991 If you don't have this addon or BigWigs installed then you are simply playing the game wrong.
This addon monitors everything you need to know about a boss fight.
The raid warnings and bar timers make this a necessity that every player should have.
This mod lets you know when and what to expect on every boss encounter in the game.
6) Decursive - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 2,531,990 If you are a decursing class (e.
mage, druid, priest, paladin, etc) and you don't have this mod than you are hurting yourself and your party members.
If you don't want to fail at decursing then I suggest you install this addon.
7) Omen Threat Meter - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 7,852,924 I realize that there is now sort of an in-game threat meter that warns you if you are going to pull aggro; however, this addon always has been and still is very useful.
Any dps class that enjoys serious raiding should have this addon installed to monitor TPS (threat per second).
8) X-Perl UnitFrames - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 3,418,029 Many people use X-Perl Unitframes as a replacement for Blizzard's default unit frames.
I personally prefer Grid over X-Perl (especially for healers).
However, X-Perl does have its perks and is still a very useful mod.
Either way, the default blizzard unit frames should definitely be replaced.
9) Auctioneer / Auctionator - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 9,593,450 This is a very popular addon to help facilitate your auctioning experience in WoW; however, I recommend Auctionator over this addon as it seems more user-friendly.
All you have to do is alt+click an item when you are at the auction house and it will automatically post that item and calculate the price for you and undercut your competition.
Very useful indeed! 10) Bartender4 - Total Downloads as of Jan 19, 2009: 1,607,651 This addon is great for customizing your bars and user interface.
This mod also makes keybindings very easy to set up.
I highly recommend using this mod over the standard WoW UI.