Dermatology Appointments Can Help You Detect Cancer Early
One of the most important times to see a dermatologist is when you find a mole or lesion that you think could indicate cancer. Skin cancer can be easily treated when you catch it early on. However, once it spreads, it is rather deadly, so seeing a doctor fast can be important. Things to look for include a new mole, one that has grown, or one that continually bleeds or crusts but does not seem to heal. You are also advised to get an appointment after finding a mass in your mouth that you cannot identify, a black streak under your fingernail, or one or more spots on the eye. You should study your body in a full-length mirror at least every few months to look for any noticeable changes. Though the changes mentioned here are the most common indicators of skin cancer, anything that looks weird to you in general should be checked out by a doctor.
Even if you do not notice anything amiss with your skin, you might want to see a physician if you have some risk factors. For example, if you have had a few severe sunburns in the past, suntan regularly, or some of your relatives have had this type of cancer, you have a slightly elevated risk of getting it, too. In addition, if you have fair coloring, including red hair and blue or green eyes, you are more susceptible to damage, which is also the case if you have lots of moles and freckles.
You may be worried about going to a clinic and paying for an appointment for no apparent reason, only to be told that you do not have this disease. However, doctors encourage early detection and treatment, so they will be more impressed than bothered by your initiative. Plus, many insurance companies cover appointments to check out signs of skin cancer since this is considered preventative care. It is much cheaper for them to pay for treatment early on than it is to pay for care once it has spread, so it makes financial sense for them to cover this type of appointment. If you are not sure, give them a call and explain to them that you have reason to suspect an issue.
If you are still not convinced to get a dermatology appointment today, talk to your regular doctor. He or she may be able to check your body to give a professional opinion on whether you should get the issue further checked out. If so, you can get a referral to a good dermatologist.