Poisonous Garden Flowers
- Many different types of poisonous flowers can grow in the wild, in a backyard or in a garden. Some of these flowers include, but are not limited to, the lily of the valley flower, the morning glory flower and the iris.
- Consuming a poisonous flower can lead to a wide range of symptoms. Different flowers yield different types of effects. The morning glory flower, for example, can induce dilated pupils, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle tightness, numbness, drowsiness, nausea and hallucinations. The lily of the valley flower can cause an irregular heartbeat. If a poisonous flower is consumed, the victim should seek medical help as soon as possible.
- Some flowers only contain certain poisonous parts, while other flowers are poisonous no matter what part is consumed. All portions of the lily of the valley flower, including the leaves, are dangerous to humans, whereas only the seeds of the morning glory flower are poisonous. The toxic portion of the iris is the root system.