Home Security Options for Columbus and Nashville Residents
One potentially cheap way to increase your home security is to get a dog. You'll probably want to get a dog that's big enough to scare away any potential intruders, as a criminal might opt to punt a small dog instead of run away from it. Unfortunately, dogs come with their own set of troubles. For one, they're not actually that cheap. You'll have to make sure it's cared for and that means food and water. That's not even considering the initial cost of buying a dog, though you could get lucky and receive a good dog as a gift. Regardless, it will have to be taken for walks or it may lose its sanity staying in your small backyard all the time. Time is money and that means if you take it for a walk you could be costing yourself money or chipping away at your leisure time. Also, a dog is most effective when intruders try to sneak up on you from the back of the house, unless of course you keep your dog indoors. Not every home owner would be happy to have their pet indoors, possibly causing havoc throughout the house. Therefore, they tend to not be as effective at keeping intruders away from the front of your residence. Last, but not least, if you live where there are extremely hot or cold weather conditions, a dog might be too hot or cold to be a good watchdog at all hours of the day.
You could always hire your own personal human security guard, right? If it's good enough for businesses that have to safeguard their valuables, it ought to be good enough for your home. The problem is that a security guard is even more expensive than a dog, and ironically they might not be as effective. A human's senses are not as strong as a dog's after all and they could end up falling asleep from sheer boredom.
Instead of hiring a dog or a human, maybe you should hire an alarm company and have a home alarm system installed in your home. It would probably be a lot cheaper than either of the other two options and ultimately more reasonable. That's because home alarm system companies have been doing the whole home security gig for a long time. They know what they're doing and have the technology to help enable them to do their job to their maximum ability. They make use of advanced technology to detect possible intrusions and they'll monitor your home 24 hours a day. As soon as anything suspicious is detected, they will have local authorities at your house in no time. Best of all, they won't tear up your furniture like your dog or fall asleep on the job like a live security guard might.