How to Germinate Trident Maple Seeds
- 1). Fill a bowl with water and place the trident maple seeds in the water. Allow the seeds to soak for 24 to 48 hours before planting.
- 2). Select a one- to five-gallon plant pot that has drainage holes in the bottom to plant the trident maple seeds in. The containers should be large enough that the seedlings do not need to be transplanted until they are large enough to go into the ground.
- 3). Pour an all-purpose potting mix into a bucket and add a granular, slow-release fertilizer that is high in phosphorus. Add in the amount of fertilizer instructed by the packaging and mix well to combine it with the soil.
- 4). Fill the pots with the fertilizer and soil mixture until each pot is 3/4 full.
- 5). Water the pots thoroughly until water runs out of the bottom of the pots.
- 6). Use your finger to create a hole in the center of the soil in each pot that is approximately 1 inch deep.
- 7). Place one trident maple seed into each pot and cover the seed with soil.
- 8). Place the pots in a location that receives at least six hours of sunlight each day. Set the pots against a wall, fence or building to protect the seedlings from wind once they grow.
- 9). Water the pots with 1 inch of water daily until the seeds germinate. Trident maple trees can take up to 60 days to germinate.