Dermatitis - What Causes Dermatitis?
There are many factors that can cause this skin disorder such as internal factors or identifiable exogenous contacts.
These factors are still poorly understood and are still under active research.
Through research, it is shown that Dermatitis develops as a result of our immune system, genetics and the environment.
Most people who have this skin disorder have a very sensitive immune system and are prone to react to a number of irritants and allergens.
A family history of allergic conditions may also cause this skin disorder.
Dermatitis can be influenced by factors such as food allergies, irritating chemicals, food allergies, infections, humidity and stress.
This skin disorder tends to worsen under extreme temperature and humidity levels.
Sweating and psychological stress are also factors that cause Dermatitis to flare up.
Dermatitis can also be caused by irritations because it seems to be able to change the epidermal structure by allowing immunoglobulin E activity to increase.
Skin irritation tends to continue even after the exposure to allergen has ended or after it has been systematically controlled.
Causes of Dermatitis Unknown Since the causes of Dermatitis are still under active research there are some theories to explain its pathogenesis.
One theory is that induced skin disorder is linked to the elevation of serum immunoglobulin E levels.
Another theory states that Dermatitis is caused by defective T-cell functions.
Health conditions, allergies, irritants, stress and genetic factors seem to be the triggers of Dermatitis.
People who work in wet conditions are also prone to this skin disorder.
Also, direct contact with one of the many irritants or allergens can result in contact Dermatitis.
Various substances can also trigger Dermatitis to develop in different people and allergic reactions can be genetically determined.
People with burns or sunburn are higher risk of having this skin disorder.
What makes people susceptible to allergic Dermatitis is still very much unknown as the numbers of factors involved are too many to pin point from one individual to another.
The Three Main Types of Dermatitis There are 3 main types of Dermatitis and they are: - 1) Atopic 2) Contact Allergy 3) Contact Irritant All 3 types have various triggers and some are very similar to each other.
Atopic Dermatitis is mainly caused by environment factors and is a genetic disorder.
Unfortunately, very little is known about what makes people susceptible to allergic Dermatitis.
When our skin comes in direct contact with a highly reactive chemical substance, allergic contact Dermatitis will occur.
People who have dry skin types are susceptible to Nummular Dermatitis and this usually occurs in cold weather.
Hopefully through active research we may know the root causes to this skin disorder.