Doing A Reverse Phone Look-Up
What not to do
Using reverse cell phone look-up will allow you to trace the call back to the person who made the call. What you do with the information once you have it is up to you. Be aware though that you cannot use the information for sales purposes or obtaining emails for the purpose of marketing or for any devious reason. You should also be careful that information retrieved this way does not fall into the hands of persons under the age of 18. Do not stress about this too much as phone companies do not sign up contracts with persons under the age of 18.
Use of information
You cannot use the retrieved information against your ex-husband by driving over to his house if the number you obtained is the number of the new woman in his life. Make sure you understand what you are purchasing, and under what terms. How do you sign up for the account? Do you need to become a member? What is the cost? What are the hidden charges? Are there recurring fees? How can you use the information? Is it illegal to perform a reverse cell phone look-up? What is your responsibility to the buyer? Can you try it out? These are all the things you should determine before purchasing.
Using reverse phone look-up allows you to find out who is harassing you with a touch of a button. Once you have the number of the person you can search for an address and find out where he or she lives. Be careful of how you use the information was wrongfully obtained. The bottom line is that with a number you can decide whether you want to take the call or hand the matter to the police. Why not check-out [] and try it out for yourself?