A Security Intelligence Clearance Lowers IQ Due to Curtailed Communication
It is my contention that when someone has a security clearance they can't talk about many things, they have to keep their mouth shut - that is if they're true to their cause, and they have the personal integrity to keep their promise.
But in doing so, they're not able to bounce their ideas off of other people, and therefore they keep all that information in their minds running around in circles.
Without the interaction with others of equal or higher IQ, they end up in a state of sensory deprivation, and their thoughts run around in circles and rather than allowing them to open their minds to new and interesting observations, and experiences, and facts about what it is they're doing.
Now then, if they surround ourselves with others who also have security clearances at the same levels, and they are in constant communication, and in a place where everyone has a security clearance, and they can talk and discuss things this would solve the problem.
However, if someone has a security clearance of a very high level, they can't really talk to anyone, therefore it's very hard for them to have any growth, or come up with brilliant original thoughts that might be of value to the very group that has granted them the security clearance.
Another challenge is the reality that once someone has a security clearance, they can't talk about that particular subsector with anyone, even if it appears in the newspaper, and everyone is talking about at the local coffee shop.
They just have to shut up, they can't say anything.
In many regards information wants to flow, and if you keep it inside your head and don't do anything with it, it's not of much value.
Further once you have a security clearance it's hard to say when that information that you know is no longer secret.
And to prevent you from inadvertently saying something that is secret you don't say anything.
Therefore all of your worldly knowledge on that particular topic you can't discuss, therefore you cannot grow, and you'll never come up with original thoughts which are worth anything.
Worst of all, you may have tricked yourself into thinking that you know more than other people do because you have the security clearance, when other people can get information from multiple sources and put the pieces together and actually probably know more than you do about your own subject, and perhaps even at a higher level of security which you don't have yet.
I hope you understand the serious nature of this, and it might explain why people with security clearances are so out of touch with reality.
Now they may submit to you that they know the reality, and that you are stuck in a created reality by the media and other things that you see or observe.
However, the created reality becomes the reality, and all the information in their security clearance briefings aren't always of value, because such information becomes irrelevant as the real world takes it runs with it.
If you'd like to discuss this with me you may e-mail me, but if you have a security clearance you may not have the IQ or ability to stand up to the conversation due to the box you are trapped in, because your sensory deprivation has prevented you from higher thought.
Please consider all this.