How to Boot a CD Image From a USB
- 1). Insert the USB flash drive in to your computer.
- 2). Open Disk Utility by clicking "Applications," then "Utilities." Highlight the USB drive in Disk Utility's sidebar.
- 3). Select the "Partition" tab. Set the "Volume Scheme" to "1 Partition." Select "Options," and select the appropriate boot format (GUID Partition Table for Intel-based Macs, Master Boot Record for Windows). Select "Apply," confirm, and format the drive.
- 4). Select the "Restore" tab. Drag the CD image into the "Source" box. Drag the USB drive from the sidebar to the "Destination" box. Select "Apply," and confirm the action. The CD image will then be mounted to the USB drive and can be used to boot the appropriate computer.
- 5). Exit Disk Utility, and remove the USB drive.