How to Plant a Forest
- 1). You will need some land. It could be many acres, or just your backyard. The land must have open area away from buildings or other structures that do not like trees, such as power lines.
- 2). Purchase trees that are native to your area. You will want trees that will get most of the water that they need from rainfall. You will also want trees that are rather disease resistant. Make sure to not get exotic trees or trees that are not appropriate for your climate, else they will not do well or they will require a lot of resources to make them happy (extra water, extra fertilizer, etc).
- 3). Plant your trees. Make sure to leave appropriate space between the trees so they have room to grow. Do not plant them is perfect straight lines, else your forest will be obviously man made. Cluster them together as if they were planted by nature.
- 4). Your trees may need extra watering for the first year, but after that they should survive on what nature provides for them.