Utah High School Activities
- Community of Caring Councils are voluntary, student organizations found in high schools throughout Utah. The organizations meet regularly to discuss methods to improve neighborhoods and perform volunteer work designed to benefit the community. Activities vary and may include helping elderly citizens perform household repairs or tutoring peers in school subjects. The Community of Caring Council holds an annual summer conference where students can meet other participants from throughout the state and share their accomplishments of the previous year.
- The Mock Trial Club, an organization geared toward youth with a desire to enter the legal field, meets regularly in high schools throughout Utah. Club members discuss various criminal and civil cases in the news and participate in mock trials designed to lend a better understanding of how the U.S. legal system works. Each year, high school mock trial clubs throughout the state compete against one another for a chance to represent Utah in the national high school mock trial championship, which is typically held in a different state each year.
- High school football is an American tradition that runs strong in Utah. Each season, high school teams across the state compete in weekly games to determine who will make it to the annual state championships. Utah places its high school football teams in three categories: freshmen, junior varsity and varsity teams. Utah high school football teams accept tryouts from all students regardless of gender. Students must maintain the grade point average dictated by their individual school district to participate, and all players are required to have health insurance.
- Roller derby is a competitive sport in many Utah high schools. Students wishing to join the roller derby team must try out and must maintain a grade point average determined by their school district. Competitions are typically held weekly, and teams compete to participate in an annual roller derby championship meet. Roller derby clubs in Utah require that all students have health insurance to participate.