Hey Cartoonists - The Fans Need Closure!
This made me mad.
What OTHER creative pursuit did she have in mind?? Did she decide to take up deep sea diving with hammerhead sharks? Is she on a quest to create the worlds best seaweed sushi? Maybe a combination of both? What ever her reason, I found myself not able to let this issue GO and wondered why I couldn't accept this.
After days of deliberation, contemplation, and regurgitation I finally figured out why I couldn't let Cathy GO!!!! One word.
As human beings we find our selves always asking the same question when something ends badly.
WHY??? As human beings we need closure to continue on.
If we have CLOSURE we can understand why something went wrong.
We also need closure to bring a conclusion to a story.
In Cathy's case, if the author artist KNEW she was ending this, and trust me folks she KNEW she was, then why didn't she tie things up for us nice and neat.
I personally would have loved to see Cathy FINALLY lose those ten pounds for GOOD.
She could've gotten lipo suck, or the stomach staple thingie done and NOW FINALLY she will forever be able to fit her bathing suit and each all the chocolate she wants.
DUMP THE BOYFRIEND Cathy could have given that cheapskate boyfriend, Irvin, or Irwin??? his walking papers.
"It's over Irvin...
I don't need you anymore.
Im finally the perfect size and I hav my chocolate to keep me warm.
GET RID OF MOM Cathy has been locked in this co dependent hellish relationship with her sweet gray haired mom...
at least that's the way she's drawn..
but actually Cathy's mom is a manipulating gray haired blood sucker who plays her daughter like a violin refusing to let her grow up.
We should have been treated to one final scene where Cathy gloriously breaks free.
I imagine the conversation being something like this: Cathy: MOM! that's it!! I'm tired of having you manipulate me! You've ruined by life, held me back, made me doubt myself, that's IT!! I'm cutting the apron strings! Ive set you up in this nice new adult home where your lodging, your food, your playtime, your recreation has ALL been taken care of!!! As of this moment I NO LONGER NEED YOU!!!! WE'RE DONE!! I imagine Cathy's Mom saying..
It's about TIME!! I was beginning to worry that you'd NEVER be able to put on the "big girl panties!" When do I leave??? CLOSURE.
With these loose ends tied up we could have happily bid Cathy a fond fairwell and had her continue to live on in our imaginations living her own life clear and free and strong!!! But NO! Cathy's creator HAD TO BE SELFISH and just leave us all DANGLING in cartoon comic strip purgatory! Just like Charles Schultz did! Don't let me get started on THAT subject!!!