How to Obtain Blurbs for Your Novel Cover
- 1). Create a list of your favorite authors within your genre. Start with 10 or 12, and you can add more as you go. Check the authors' websites for address information. You can use regular mail or email, depending upon your own preference. With email, you will generally receive a faster response.
- 2). Write a query letter asking the author to review your book. The query should be no more than three paragraphs long, and it should be formatted like a business letter with the proper name of the author you're mailing at the top. In the letter, introduce yourself and explain that you're a fan of the writer. State exactly what you want, which is a very brief review of your book by the writer.
The second paragraph should contain a brief but enticing summary of your book, encouraging the author to read it.
The third paragraph should thank the recipient and include relevant contact information so they can send the blurb back to you. If you're emailing the authors, do not include attachments. Let them know you can send the manuscript to them if they're interested, and wait for them to ask. - 3). Include a copy of your book if you'll be snail mailing the author, so they can look the book over as soon as they receive your mail. You should also include a self-addressed stamped envelope so the writer can easily get back to you.
- 4). Expect that you will receive rejections, or excuses from some writers. Many will not have the time to look over your book, and others will not be interested. This process is similar to querying literary agents, and takes persistence. Keep sending out queries, and eventually someone will review the book for you.