5 Sure Fire Ways to Tell If Your Ex Likes You Still - You Do Not Want to Miss Out on This One!
Does your ex spend a lot of time with you? Do you notice your ex investing a lot of time in you? Some common examples would be if your ex called you all the time, just to talk; or if your ex was always trying to see you.
Does your ex always talk about the past? If you notice that your ex is always going on and on about the past that you shared together, then be certain that your ex is definitely not over you.
Talk to your ex in person and watch his/her signals - If he/she likes you, they will keep direct eye contact with you, will listen, respond, and will also allow you to touch them.
As in if you grabbed his/her hand they wont take it away, and if you were to hug your ex, he/she wouldn't be freaked out.
Look at your ex's dating life - If he/she isn't really dating again, then it is likely that your ex still has not moved on.
Consider that if your ex really didn't want you anymore, he/she would have long since moved on.
Does your ex get jealous when you talk about dating other people? If you notice your ex getting jealous, then be sure that he/she definitely still wants you.