5 Ways to Be a Better Hearthstone Player
If you have played a game of Magic: The Gathering, you will not have a problem knowing the rules but if not, the game itself is not too complicated to learn from scratch.
Now as you try to make your way through the world rankings, here are five ways to be a better Heartstone player: Practice is Preparation - Have you ever heard of the adage "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail"? This little nugget of wisdom is crucial if you want to get close to being a good player in Hearthstone.
Before proceeding to either the Play mode or Arena mode, it is best if you complete the Practice mode first.
Completing the tutorial gives you several benefits.
First, it unlocks all the classes that you can play in the game.
Second, it gives you the necessary experience in order to navigate through your deck effectively and play cards with correct timing.
Most importantly, completing tutorials gives you, at the basic level, a sense of anticipation of what the opponent might play.
An insight of the strengths and weaknesses of each class along with the different cards in a deck will help you make the more effective decision each turn.
Gain the Upper Hand Quickly - Once in game, it is crucial to deal damage as quick as possible.
Don't hesitate to use spells such as Arcane Missiles, Arcane Shot, or Sinister Strike early on.
Spells combined with minion damage will do significant damage which will put the opponent on the defensive.
Instead of thinking how to deal damage, the opposing player will focus more on protecting his dwindling life.
Control the Board, Control the Game - This is probably the single most important tip you can take away from the article.
According to primagames.
com, "board control is ensuring the other player uses up more resources removing your cards than you use removing theirs.
" For example, a Chillwind Yeti is a four to cast 4/5 minion.
If you force the enemy to use a 1/1 Novice Engineer and two 2/3 River Crocolisks to dispose the Chillwind Yeti, you are controlling the game since the opponent has used more mana than you did in the process.
Base your every decision on this concept and you will go a long way in this game.
Look for Favorable Tradeoffs - Part of controlling the game is looking for favorable tradeoffs to eliminate the opponent's minion.
Using a 1/1, one to cast Stonetusk Boar to waste a 2/1 Young Priestess with the special ability to give a random friendly hero minion +1 health is a solid move.
Look for similar opportunities as you go through the game, and you will have an easier time coming out victorious.
Protect your Hero - Although dealing damage to the opponent may seem like the primary objective of the game, the protection of your hit points is just as important.
Ideally, it is better to attack the enemy's minions first to ensure that minimal or zero damage will be dealt to you in the next turn.
However, having a minion with taunt ability like Shieldbearer will give you the freedom to attack.
If you can, cast spells that will buff the minion with taunt to increase its staying power.
With your defense set, you are now free to send your other minions on a damage spree.
Playing Hearthstone may seem challenging at first and losses may pile up quickly than you would like, but with these five tips, you are well on your way to becoming a better Heartstone player and eventually make a name in the world rankings.
Visit http://hearthstonegamer.
com/ for more tips on improving your game.