I Said Guess Not Yeah Gonna Dior Deal Your and Down Deal
I said guess not yeah gonna Dior deal your and down deal gentle just got this is a breaking gender arm session a shed Shana say Clarence class OKay I'll us I wanted to say worsen the French every race ms mom OKay OK with me yes it holiday cool then the cry likening yup c like 69 and Anna see I think fruit some wall went to bed this trio the history of Greece I speak better Creech I'm Street French for alright that's gonna be here and see what else we hear use it how are you how are you I am OKay someone wanted to know if you well ever thinks about doing YouTube videos I would you ask you Anne I'm yet to be connected to these fun bus that is something which clock new treaty I mean angry I may I my you could win Meyer didn't lose you know that doing reviews every two weeks every day sometimes eat each time you when do we professional way to return immediately to have to 8 cork time.
I'm time you know for me she I'm worked so well works with her husband yes and the opening businesses is not difficult now because I am you know we have well so yes I'm to be a grandma still I yeah and Renate has to you princes up the whole bit you sticky only my head the song berries minorities be now Matthew I have any to love and so at make the cell i can't. and love them I love to watch then and every time we get together Joanie will do videos with me yeah of course you make that promise plus no problem come with me to he said OKay act art the next one comes from our belle complex primarily all 7 height not use a hacker thanks you merely 7 by and on that she says you are simply being about this time last year me she sang that you did a what am thankful for video would love to see you do this together said Joe well what are you thankful for titer following just yes this you know this crazy lady because she says my unlike OKay let's start out with a live on their small I yeah and.