How to Lose Man Boobs Fast
Those hideous two bulbs that poke out of your shirt is definitely disturbing.
You might even be fretful of the situation.
It may be an underlying disease.
This phenomenon is called as gynecomastia, which is due to more female hormone production leading to development of secondary female characteristics.
So how to lose man boobs fast? Learn what causes their appearance in the first place.
On the contrary, if you already consulted your doctor and found out that it is due to potato chips, candies and fast food, then you have already found your problem.
Men tend to eat a lot more than women since men are more susceptible to laborious activities.
But, it should not be tolerated.
It is still a must that you eat healthy foods (like women) but not necessarily fatty foods that will eventually lead to the deposition of those fats around your breasts.
Eat more lean meats, vegetables and fruits.
Furthermore, do check your food label.
Always buy low fat milk and avoid having to dig your way through creams and gravy (which are high in fat content).
Avoid sugar found in junk foods and sodas because it burns quickly unlike sugar found in vegetables (example: potatoes) and fruits.
If you cannot convert this sugar to energy, it will store as fat.
And I mean those LDL type (bad cholesterol).
Exercising and getting enough rest (yes, rest) will help you also.
You must have at least 8 hours of sleep since your body metabolizes more while you are sleeping.
If you are desperate, you may result to having a cosmetic surgery.
It is expensive, invasive and, yes, painful.
But it will yield a good reduction of your breasts! On the other hand, cosmetic surgery should always be the last resort.
Always do things by will.
It is less expensive...
and it will give you a sense of achieving something.
So now you know how to lose man boobs fast, right?