How To Make Him Sorry For Hurting You So Much - Advice For All Women Wanting Your Ex Back
That is why you should have no contact with him at all for at least a month following the breakup. Your ex still loves you and by giving him the time and space to reflect on his actions the love will grow. You might thing you have to constantly remind him of your presence so he will not forget you. But, just the opposite is true, men fall more in love when they are away from the one they love. So put as much distance as possible between the two of you.
Although you are hurt because of the breakup, you might be surprised at how much he is hurting too. The truth is, he is probably already sorry for hurting you, but it will take time before he will admit it. This is why time is in your favor and you need to use it to your advantage. The best way to get your ex boyfriend back is to let him experience his life without you. Being without you and not having any contact with you will make him remember the good times he had with you. The reason for the breakup will seem unimportant and he will start to miss you. Once he begins to miss you, he will realize how important you are to him.
The best way to make him sorry for hurting you, is to accept the breakup and move on. Think of yourself instead of making your ex boyfriend the focus of your life. By doing that, you will become the self confident woman he fell in love with. Your ex will be impressed by your strength and maturity and want to be a part of your life again. Suddenly you will find him sending you cards and flowers. Soon after that he will be around to tell you face to face how sorry he is for hurting you so much.