How To Find Your Apple Iphone
Thus it is very important to find your iPhone if it is lost and then to get iPhone repairs if you find its broken. Here we will look about how to go about retracing your steps and finding your iPhone or broken iPhone before anyone else does.
The first thing to do is not to panic and to look around your immediate area. They're easy to place down where you don't find them so it might just be on the side in your room, under some books, under the duvet on your bed, under a cushion or somewhere else. Look thoroughly and if you can't find it it's time to try the oldest trick in the book call it from your land line. This way you can follow the ringing to retrieve it (just hope that the phone is stored somewhere nearby and that it's not on silent). In some other cases, if you have lost the phone and someone else has picked it up, then you might find that they answer and will be happy to return the phone to you if you can meet them.
Failing this you then need to look at other potential solutions. For instance, start retracing your steps in your mind think about where you have been during the day and anywhere you might have placed it down. Also think about any places you might have sat down with the iPhone in your pocket as phones can often easily slip out and this is a common cause of broken iPhones or lost iPhones. If you can think of anywhere it might have been then it is important to look around for it yourself and see if you can find where it might have fallen out. It's also a good idea to ask people that work in the establishment behind the counter etc as they may have seen it or it may have been handed in and they'll be holding it for you.