Three Common Home Invading Animals
Wild animals can be dangerous, carry diseases, and cause damage to property and homes.
That's why it's so important to make sure that your property is protected against intrusion by wild animals.
A company specializing in animal and pest control will be a good resource for information.
Some common animals in the wild to look out for are raccoons, bats, and ground hogs.
A raccoon is one animal that is especially easy to mistake for a friendly, tame creature.
However, they are wild animals and therefore they have wild animal behaviors.
Raccoons have sharp teeth, strong claws, and are often carriers of diseases such as rabies.
The most common time of day for raccoons to be out and about is during the night, because they are nocturnal.
They are clever and can figure out ways to open doors, garbage cans, and even locks.
Bats are also problem animals.
They carry diseases and can be difficult to remove.
The best way to get rid of bats is exclusion, which is a process of removing bats from the desired area and sealing any entrances.
Ground hogs can also be a big problem.
They can dig burrows in the ground underneath your home, dig tunnels in your yard, and destroy crops and gardens.
They can be a real problem to remove unless you have professional help.
If you suspect any of these animals has invaded your home, call an animal control expert immediately.