Make 2013 Your Best Year Ever!
They worry about the economy of the world or of their country.
Some are worried that they've missed the opportunity succeed online, or that they don't have what it takes.
Many have suffered so much disappointment that they fear they won't be able to rise above it all and really learn to make a living online.
For all of them, and for you and me too, I have an important message today.
2013 can be your best year ever! Whether you are struggling to make your first dollar online, or whether you have an online business that provides more income than you can spend, 2013 presents unique and stunning opportunity for you.
I believe there are four keys to making 2013 your best year ever, and will cover the first today.
The first key is mindset - you must believe before you can achieve I'm not a huge "law of attraction" guy but I do know this...
fear is the enemy.
Negative thinking must be banished and overcome.
You really do get what you think about, although thinking alone is not enough.
If you are worried that the door of success is closed - that the opportunity to make money online has passed you by, please realize...
There is NO reason success can't happen for you too.
When it comes to succeeding online, one quality is needed...
The ability to take action and to believe for a good outcome.
It does not take special skills, although some skills will be required.
It does not take a huge budget, although having more money to work with is better than less.
It does not take a Herculean effort, although you will need to commit to work hard and the hours will sometimes be long.
To ready yourself - starting today begin saying only good things about yourself.
Banish from your external and internal vocabulary (words and thoughts) any hint of you not being good enough, of being "dumb" or "slow" or anything like that.
Flatly reject the idea that others deserve success but you somehow don't, that what works for others will not work for you too.
If you need help with this see Zig Ziglar's site and immediately read the book "Born to Win.
" Zig Ziglar said...
You were born to win, but to be a winner, you must plan to win, prepare to win, and expect to win.Please notice that being born is not enough.
We have to add the ability and willingness to plan, prepare and expect.
The second key is a commitment to quality.
In the next article we will continue by looking at how you can commit to quality and rise above the limitations that currently hold you back.