When Does The Requirement Of A Urologist Arise?
Major Urologic Conditions
When you encounter and experience a symptom that could indicate a urologic problem, you should analyze whether the indication leads to a major urologic disorder. The symptoms could be that of kidney stones, bladder problems, erectile dysfunction, or even prostate cancer. Infertility and impotency are urologic disorders as well. It will not be that easy to identify whether the symptoms indicate a disorder. Urologists from Dallas Texas generally perform a number of diagnostics to test the underlying problem in an individual. As a result of the advancements in technology, the results of many of the diagnostic tests can be availed the same day.
What Demands a Urologist
There are a variety of advanced urologic treatments available today such as laparoscope, ultrasound, robotics treatment, biopsy, urodynamics, CT scan etc. However, not all disorders demand extensive treatments. Some can be treated with medication and rest after diagnosing. A variety of reasons might demand you getting treated by a urologist in Dallas, Texas such as blood in the urine, testicular cancer that leads to male infertility, abnormalities in the amount of PSA or Prostate Specific Antigen, pain in the testicles due to abnormal testicular mass or even abnormalities in the kidney that could lead to its dysfunctioning.
Referral Through a Primary Doctor
The most common symptoms associated with a urologic problem or disorder are pain and burning sensation while urinating, urgency to urinate, frequent urination, blood in the urine or hematuria, pain in the lower abdomen etc. Depending upon the disorder, the symptoms vary. Most individuals consult a primary doctor for initial treatment who would then refer the patient to a urologist depending upon the severity of the condition. In some cases, the primary doctor might try to treat the condition himself. If the diagnostics indicate a urologic disorder, do not hesitate to ask your primary doctor to refer to a urologist in Dallas, Texas. Cases related to interstital cystitis can be cured by a gynecologist. The condition demands a gynecologic surgery that might be ineffective. During the primary stage, the condition can be relieved through medication and treatment methods that relieve the painful symptoms. The extreme cases are referred to a urologist.