Writing What I Want To Write, So There!
Perhaps you write to give information or perhaps you write so that you can remember things, but whatever your reason for writing, there are some articles, letters or books that you write that perhaps might leave people wondering why you wrote it.
What is your purpose for writing? For me, I write for so many different reasons.
And that means that each and every article or each and every special book that I write is for its own specific reason.
Most times, I write to help people and other times I write to help myself.
I help myself by writing things down.
Doing this aids memory and it actually helps me think, as it does with all people.
If you write things down and later read what you wrote, that will help you think better.
It will help you get more organized.
And if you doubt that, think about all the money that is spent on --to do lists, and you will know that my statement is true.
People who write those lists are usually more organized and put-together than those who do not use or write such lists.
So, yes, for me, writing helps me get my thoughts together, and it helps me get more organized, and best of all it helps me and sometimes as an added bonus, my writing helps others.
I write this article today, not about writing, but about feelings.
Some would say, hey, write it in a blog.
But I say, hey, this is my article, with emphasis on the word my, and so thus, I write for me.
And today, I write about feelings.
I feel drained, tired.
Sometimes I wake in the morning and I feel like, hey, what is happening in this world.
And yet, other times, I wake up and I smile at the beautiful sun and know that today is going to be the best day in the world.
And , you know what? On days when I remember to wake up and smile at the sun, those are the days that usually are overwhelmingly packed with joy and fun.
So, I write to you today to remind you to wake up and look at the sun; don't stare at it silly, just look at it.
Look at the birds, the sun, the ocean and the sky.
Look around you.
Just open your eyes and look around you and see the beauty in your world.
And do yourself one more favor today.
Do not read the news or look at any news programs today.
There, you have just completed a most awesome day! So, today, I write about feelings, about looking at the sun and about living life fully.
Yes, I feel drained and overwhelmed due to so much work that needs to be done.
But I tell you that I willdo it with a smile on my face and a song in my heart.
And, you just might here me singing as you walk by.
And when you hear my song, do not think that I am a bubble-head with no problems, but better yet, know that I am a person who has just seen an absolutely beautiful sun, sky and ocean and I rejoice at those marvelous things in my world.
This is my article!Hope you enjoyed it.