Easy Tips For An Eco Friendly Bathroom
Go for ceramic tiles.
The best material that you could use for your flooring is the ceramic tile. You can also use this for your walls, countertops, the shower as well as the tub. This type of tile is resistant to damage from moisture. Using ceramic tiles does not have any adverse effects to the environment since manufacturing this material does not emit as much harmful gases as compared to other kinds of tiles. You can also use some other tiles like those that are made from recycled materials such as paper and glass extracted from discarded bottles. Aside from ceramic tiles, you can also use natural linoleum for flooring and also floor decors made from bamboo.
Save water by installing new fixtures.
You can save water by affixing new fixtures to your rest room. For example, an ultra-low flush toilet can not only make your bathroom extra chic, it also promotes minimal water consumption. With this type of toilet, every flush will just cost you one gallon of water. But be sure that you read some product review first because some brands of this type tends to clog. You can also try dual-flush toilets that have two knobs. This will allow you to select the amount of water that is needed to flush out your waste. Other types of toilet that you could use are the pressure-assisted toilets that utilize air for more efficient and effective flushing. However, this type of toilet may be noisy sometimes.
You can also use a low-flown shower head. This fixture can also help you save money on water and other utility bills for this consume less energy. There are also some models that are made to reduce the flow of the water without compromising your bathing experience. Having fixtures like these will help you save a lot of money in the long run. Investing in these kinds of tools will be a good decision since conventional shower heads consumes about six gallons of water per minute.
Upgrade Your Bathroom Cabinet
When designing your comfort room cabinet, look for materials that are made out of wheat board. This board is made up of nontoxic binder and wheat straw. Conventional cabinets that are made from particleboard tend to emit harmful chemicals one of which is formaldehyde. If you want to make an eco friendly option, choose materials that are made harvested wood.
To prevent molds from dominating your rest room, install an exhaust fan. This is will make your restroom cleaner and clearer.
There are a lot of ways that you can employ to redesign your restroom. You have fun in the process and you can look forward to spending time in your eco friendly and lush bathroom.