How to Paint a Window for Privacy
- 1). Clean your windows with a solution of equal parts water and vinegar.
- 2). Pour the beer into a 1 qt. container. Dissolve the epsom salt in the beer, and let it sit for 30 minutes. The beer should get extremely foamy.
- 3). Dip your paintbrush in the solution, and paint the window using a circular motion. Cover every inch of the surface. Allow it to dry completely. Crystals will form on the glass.
- 4). Experiment with different looks by dipping a washcloth or facial tissue in the solution and swirling onto the window in a similar circular motion. While the solution is still wet, blot with a tissue to remove some of the excess. This method will create smaller crystals. You can also experiment with stencils to add letters and shapes.
- 5). Remove the frosting from your glass by simply wiping it off with a water and a washcloth.