Daffodil Planting in California
- Daffodils are one of the first signs of spring.the daffodil fields image by Tom Curtis from Fotolia.com
The best time to plant daffodils in California is during late fall between Halloween and Thanksgiving. This is the time when the weather has cooled and the ground is still relatively dry. Wet soil when planting can cause the bulb to rot. - Daffodils will grow in all parts of California and in just about any soil as long as it drains well. Plant the bulbs about 5 to 8 inches deep in a sunny location and cover them with loose soil. Daffodils look best in groups of odd numbers and several plants can be planted in one hole. Space the bulbs about two to six inches apart.
- Let the daffodils bloom in spring and cut off the dead flowers and stalks as they dry up. Let the leaves continue to grow until they naturally yellow and die off for the year before removing them. Well-established clumps can be dug up, divided and replanted immediately every few seasons in late spring after flowering is finished.