Air Jordan 6 7 8 11 12 13 and 14.
Michael Jordan.
Tinker Hatfield.
6 NBA Titles.
Best Player to grace the NBA.
These numbers are very important numbers. They not only represent each of the shoes in the Air Jordan brand, But the accomplishments Michael had to endure through out his career.
Each shoe was design and created by Tinker Hatfield.Of course with the help of Michael too.
The blood, sweat and tears that Jordan went through just to accomplish 6 NBA titles was phenomenal. This was no easy ride. From the humble beginnings with Nike and Peter Moore. The Jordan Brand became one of the most sought after shoes in the world.
Let me start with the Jordan 6.
The Air Jordan 6. This was designed by Tinker Hatfield. The first shoe that Michael wore to a tune of his First NBA title with the Bulls in the 1990-91 season.
Can you say Beat LA! Beat LA! Beat LA!
Can you imagine what was going through Michael's head when he won? It was a very emotional day for him.Accomplishing his 1St championship ring was a tough journey for him. After his first NBA the legacy of Michael Jordan & the Jordan Brand was about to be on the next level of greatness.
Jordan 7.Can we say seconds?? Michael again won his 2ND NBA title with these shoes in the 1992-93 season. This model was used in the promotion of BUGS BUNNY.Jordan also was in the Olympics with the Jordan 7. This was the best Dream Team ever to be assembled in the history of the NBA.
Jordan 8.3-Peat!!!What a tremendous way to win a 3RD title in three years in 1993.What more can Michael Jordan accomplishes after his 3rd? Sadly this was the year of his fathers passing.Michael announced his retirement from the NBA in the 1993-94 season.It was a sad day for everyone.
Come back Michael?
When Michael came back to the NBA it was a Carnival all over the place.
Jordan 11.What a comeback it was! When Tinker designed the Jordan XI it was the first if its kind. With a unique black patented leather wrapped around the shoe.Tinker hoped that Michael would wear this shoe on his first comeback in the 1995-96 season.Michael loved it.Wore it! And won a 4TH NBA title to his name.
Keep the rings coming!!
Jordan 12.This shoe was had the design of the Japanese flag.The Rising Sun. Well the Chicago Bulls was rising to another title. Michael was rising up to another 4TH championship ring.
Jordan 13.Tinker created this shoes like the Panther cat.With is unique hologram on the upper heel.In it you could see the Jumpman and the number 23.
The Air Jordan 14 " The Last Shot".In game 5 of the finals in 1998 against the UTAH JAZZ Michael took the last shot of his career to another 6TH NBA title.
This was the shot that stamped Michael Jordan legacy in the history books. It was a beautiful moment in history.What a way to end it.The Jordan 14 was modeled after his Ferrari 550 Maranello.Also the shoe had 7 Jumpman Logos on each side.
So the next time you see any of the Jordan shoes mentioned think of what Michael had to go through and what he had accomplished in his career.