This Isn"t Your Father"s Method of Penis Enlargement
In the days before the Internet, he was probably stuck with a penis pump he bought at some back-alley adult shop.
And his methods of creating and maintaining an erection were relegated to taking "Spanish Fly.
" My, how times have changed.
As the world becomes closer through such tools as the Internet, such methods of enlargement and gaining an erection almost seem barbaric, by today's standards.
The savvy man of today has an entire spectrum of penis-enlargement products available to him.
And with a simple Internet search, can learn more about penis enlargement than you could in any library ten years ago.
But with such increased availability comes with it increased opportunities for people and marketers to exploit such things as "penis enlargement" and try to make a buck off of them.
Maybe our fathers were better off; as there are many scams, gimmicks, and charlatans out in the world of the computer that want to sell you on something that may or may not work.
It is easy to get sucked into magic pills and patches that promise that you will increase your length by 5" while you sleep.
They abound everywhere on the Internet.
I could give you my opinion and experience with such items, but I will suggest you read some of the message boards where men discuss products they have tried to enlarge themselves.
These types of overnight-success-no-effort-required methods fall short.
What does work? Well, that's an easy enough question to answer.
What works is that you have to actually invest time and effort into an enlargement program.
If that's too much work for you, then quit reading now and stick to your pills.
If this is the case, I really can't help you.
One has to work at penis enlargement if they want results.
That's certainly not the greatest sales pitch ever sold, but it's the stone-cold sober truth.
How much effort and time, then, are required? Well, really, that's up to the individual.
You can spend five minutes a day and a year's worth of your time and see some improvement.
Or you can spend about 30 minutes a day and see some pretty tangible results within a few months.
It takes time and effort, really, I'm not going to lie to you.
These methods utilize penis exercises to enlarge the penis.
There are many types of enlargement methods and angles to get the most out of your potential size.
But the two most basic, and easiest to understand, are through stretching and squeezing the penis.
The stretching bit has to do with stretching the ligaments that attach the penis to the body.
Most exercise regimens target the Suspensory Ligament of the Penis (this is the largest one and the one at the top of your penis), however there are other ligaments that must be addressed.
Anyway, basically, by stretching out this ligament, you allow the penis to riser to greater lengths upon erection, as it is not restricted as much by a shorter ligament.
The other basic method is by "milking" more blood into the penis through squeeze-type exercises.
The penis gets erect via blood flow.
This blood flow fills up cavities in the penis which create an erection.
Enlarge these cavities to hold more blood and what do you get? You get a bigger penis.
It's really simple, actually.
So be thankful that you don't have what your father had at his disposal to enlarge himself.
You have access to a great new world of enlargement opportunities.
Take advantage of it.