How to Get Woman to Feel Desperate For You
Learn How to understand women and use it to your sexual advantage
If you think you're making a fool of yourself 'chasing' women who don't want you, it's time to change your approach. Devoting your time, effort and money just to make a woman love you isn't the answer. In fact, making a girl feel indebted to you by showering her with gifts is a big mistake. She will end up accepting the gifts but not returning your attention. Doesn't that make you feel like you're losing self-respect? It's time to reverse the situation. Read on to discover my two killer psychological strategies for making a girl desperate for your affection.
Strategy #One - "Psycho Alpha Male". Quit losing your control over your emotions and start making sure she knows who the boss is. If you need her opinion whenever you feel like doing something, you're making her think you depend on her for everything. Instead of letting her make the decisions, plan ahead and then tell her what you want to happen. From where to meet to what you want to do on your date, take charge and lead the way.
Strategy #Two - "Psycho Social Prowess". She 'evaluates' you according to your social skills. If you can't keep up with her, and if you show her that you want nothing more than spend the whole night in a crowded place talking to her, you will turn her off. Have fun with other people and stay social the rest of the evening. Women are quite proud of men who are fun to be with. She will be secretly congratulating herself for having found someone as socially accepted as you are. Being sociable will increase your value in her eyes. A guy who makes everyone laugh is a prize she doesn't want to lose.