Ten Frame Number Practice
Ten frames also support subitizing, a skill that requires students build memory of number images or patterns. Knowing that six is one larger than five, also means recognizing that you need four to fill your ten frame.
Therefore, 6 plus 4 is ten.
Arranging numbers on a ten frame can also help your students decide whether a number is "odd" or "even." If they place their numbers on the frame in two rows, they can see if the rows are the same or different lengths.
Practicing with Ten Frames
Placing two sided counters on a ten frame template: Print these templates on card stock and laminate them. Our math series comes with two sided counters, but I find that my students benefit from lots of lots of practice counting numbers between one and ten on the ten frame. Make it a game: place numbers on popsicle sticks or tongue depressors. Have students pick the sticks from a cup and count out the number on a ten frame.
Worksheets: These worksheets show numbers depicted as circles on ten frames give your children lots more practice counting and writing their numbers. Print them and provide one for independent practice after your students complete group activities that use ten frames.