Juvenile Probation Officer
In the field of law enforcement and rehabilitation, there are a variety of choices for every person.
One may become a standard police officer serving as the front line defense to all crime; one may become a prison guard to keep prisoners in line and safe; one may also become a probation's officer to help reformed criminals stay on the right path and enter society as productive citizens.
Being a probation's officer can really make a difference in a newly freed person's life.
A probation's officer can choose to work with adults or chose the truly fulfilling job of working with minors.
A Juvenile probation officer can make a difference in a trouble child's life helping them to become successful balanced individuals and thus help to better the world.
A juvenile probation officer's sole task is to rehabilitate and supervise criminally active youths on probation, parole, or conditional release.
These officers will only have cases with minors but will work with the adults involved with the child's case including parents, social workers, and teachers, as a team, in order to fully rehabilitate the juvenile offender.
The officer will make sure that drug and other (i.
mental counseling, physical therapy) rehabilitation programs are set up for the child and that they attend them as often as mandated.
The officer will also frequently checks on the youth's behavior and search property and person, if mandated, for illegal possessions or activities.
The juvenile probation officer will keep in close contact with the judicial system reporting on the child's progress.
It is the officer's job to become a role model to the child and having a close, healthy and supportive relationship with them is highly encouraged.
The outlook for Juvenile Probation Officer Jobs is extremely good and healthy growth is highly expected.
In order to become an officer, candidates must receive a bachelor's degree in social work, corrections, criminal justice, or psychology.
It is often very helpful while earning the degree to volunteered in a center for troubled or criminally active youths such as a detention center or juvenile group home.
The median salary for a juvenile probation officer is around 45,000 dollars with the starting income bracket being 30,000 dollars and the higher end bracket being 78,000 dollars.
The juvenile probation officer will often times have to work with dangerous individuals, or venture into less than safe neighborhoods where the child may live.
This can be a job with long hours and high stress, but it is one of the most rewarding due to the fact that one juvenile probation officer can turn several juvenile delinquents into successful members of society.