Face Skin Problems - Typical Facial Skin Disorders That May Affect Anyone
There's lots of face skin problems which men and women may suffer from. When we suffer from skin facial problems it may make you feel embarrassed and genuinely affect your confidence. The commonest problem as well as the one most of us first suffer from is acne.
Face Skin Problems - Acne
Nearly all people develop acne during their teenage years and it is most commonplace in 16 to 18 year olds. There are a variety of contributing factors to explain this. At the age of puberty individuals have increased levels of sex hormones in comparison to younger children. These hormones are modified in the skin to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which stimulates the oil glands making them enlarge.
These oil glands (called sebaceous glands) produce sebum. The greater the level of sebum you have the greater chance of suffering from acne breakouts. If sebum and keratin (dead skin cells) obstruct the skin pores then comedones may develop. Then bacteria as well as comedonal debris cause pimples or pustules.
Face Skin Problems - Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin condition that affects 2% of the population. It's a chronic, scaly rash that may affect individuals of every age group. It really is a condition of the skin that does have a tendency to run in families. Psoriasis though can be affected by many environmental factors despite the fact that it is not contagious or due to an allergic response.
Psoriasis usually impacts individuals in the late teens or their 50's. It does not matter what sex you might be since it affects both equally. Though in the latest medical research there have been claims that girls will be more commonly affected than boys.
Psoriasis is usually mild and also rarely affects the life of the sufferer. It may though sometimes be really severe leading to the individual needing to be admitted to the hospital.
Face Skin Problems - Dermatitis (Eczema)
Dermatitis is incredibly common and effects 20% of individuals at some point in their lifetime. There are a variety of possible causes and it may have various patterns. Dermatitis and its other name eczema are interchangeable. Another name for this skin problem is eczematous dermatitis.
Dermatitis can be acute or chronic or both. Acute eczema describes a quickly developing reddish colored rash that may be blistered and also swollen. Now chronic dermatitis refers to a longstanding irritable region of the skin. It is usually darker than the surrounding skin, thicker and even more scratched.
Face Skin Problems - Rosacea
Rosacea is a reddish colored face rash that impacts people aged between 30 and 60 most often. For those who have fair skin, blue eyes and of Celtic origin I'm afraid you are more likely to suffer from this condition. It might be transient, recurrent or persistent.
Unfortunately the root cause of rosacea is unknown. Although they're several competing theories concerning the origin of over active facial blood vessels as well as inflammation, which includes hereditary, environmental, vascular, inflammatory factors to mention just some.
The skin natural immune response seems to be important in rosacea as antimicrobial peptides such as cathelicidins have been found actively promoting the inflammatory reaction. Hair follicle mites are often discovered in larger numbers within rosacea papules nevertheless their role is unclear.
A greater incidence of rosacea has been reported in those who carry the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori but many dermatologists don't believe it to be the reason for rosacea. Rosacea may be aggravated by facial creams or oils, and especially by topical steroids.
Face Skin Problems - A Summary
I have listed the commonest face skin problems that men and women can suffer from. There are others such as Poikiloderma of Civatte, Blepharitis as well as Lupus erythematosus (LE) to mention just a few.
Should you suffer one of these problems then its best to see your doctor to get a proper consultation to enable you to acquire the most effective treatment possible.
Face Skin Problems - Acne
Nearly all people develop acne during their teenage years and it is most commonplace in 16 to 18 year olds. There are a variety of contributing factors to explain this. At the age of puberty individuals have increased levels of sex hormones in comparison to younger children. These hormones are modified in the skin to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which stimulates the oil glands making them enlarge.
These oil glands (called sebaceous glands) produce sebum. The greater the level of sebum you have the greater chance of suffering from acne breakouts. If sebum and keratin (dead skin cells) obstruct the skin pores then comedones may develop. Then bacteria as well as comedonal debris cause pimples or pustules.
Face Skin Problems - Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a skin condition that affects 2% of the population. It's a chronic, scaly rash that may affect individuals of every age group. It really is a condition of the skin that does have a tendency to run in families. Psoriasis though can be affected by many environmental factors despite the fact that it is not contagious or due to an allergic response.
Psoriasis usually impacts individuals in the late teens or their 50's. It does not matter what sex you might be since it affects both equally. Though in the latest medical research there have been claims that girls will be more commonly affected than boys.
Psoriasis is usually mild and also rarely affects the life of the sufferer. It may though sometimes be really severe leading to the individual needing to be admitted to the hospital.
Face Skin Problems - Dermatitis (Eczema)
Dermatitis is incredibly common and effects 20% of individuals at some point in their lifetime. There are a variety of possible causes and it may have various patterns. Dermatitis and its other name eczema are interchangeable. Another name for this skin problem is eczematous dermatitis.
Dermatitis can be acute or chronic or both. Acute eczema describes a quickly developing reddish colored rash that may be blistered and also swollen. Now chronic dermatitis refers to a longstanding irritable region of the skin. It is usually darker than the surrounding skin, thicker and even more scratched.
Face Skin Problems - Rosacea
Rosacea is a reddish colored face rash that impacts people aged between 30 and 60 most often. For those who have fair skin, blue eyes and of Celtic origin I'm afraid you are more likely to suffer from this condition. It might be transient, recurrent or persistent.
Unfortunately the root cause of rosacea is unknown. Although they're several competing theories concerning the origin of over active facial blood vessels as well as inflammation, which includes hereditary, environmental, vascular, inflammatory factors to mention just some.
The skin natural immune response seems to be important in rosacea as antimicrobial peptides such as cathelicidins have been found actively promoting the inflammatory reaction. Hair follicle mites are often discovered in larger numbers within rosacea papules nevertheless their role is unclear.
A greater incidence of rosacea has been reported in those who carry the stomach bacterium Helicobacter pylori but many dermatologists don't believe it to be the reason for rosacea. Rosacea may be aggravated by facial creams or oils, and especially by topical steroids.
Face Skin Problems - A Summary
I have listed the commonest face skin problems that men and women can suffer from. There are others such as Poikiloderma of Civatte, Blepharitis as well as Lupus erythematosus (LE) to mention just a few.
Should you suffer one of these problems then its best to see your doctor to get a proper consultation to enable you to acquire the most effective treatment possible.