5 Things Beginners Do NOT Need When They Start Weight Training
In no particular order, the five tips are: 1)You do NOT need to spend hundreds of dollars on supplements.
Many people get themselves into great shape without even as much as a vitamin.
While certain supplements are probably useful, make sure that your doctor approves each one BEFORE you take it.
Why spend money on something which could be useless or even harmful to you? 2)You do NOT need to buy fancy, high-dollar exercise gadgets.
If you have access to a basic gym then that is all you need to begin a useful beginning weight training program.
Leave all the exercise gadgets to those who do not understand what is necessary, and only purchase what you know will help you achieve your goals.
3)You do NOT need to drop thousands of dollars for a personal trainer who does not have experience training someone like you.
If you need instruction on how to do the exercises or you are willing to pay someone to keep you motivated then that is fine.
Just choose someone who has experience training AND getting proven results with someone like you.
Otherwise, find a new trainer or pay only to learn proper exercise form and safety; and then train yourself.
4)You do NOT need to sign up for the "extras" or "add-on" features to your gym membership unless you TRULY will use them.
If you do not plan on using the day care facilities, the sauna, the pool, or any other feature which requires additional payment to your contract then negotiate that up front with the gym.
Right before you sign the contract is when you have the most leverage, so use your bargaining position intelligently.
5)You do NOT need to spend tons of money on special post-workout drinks or shakes unless you SPECIFICALLY know why you would choose a particular brand.
Just because someone is chugging a special drink after a workout it does not mean that you have to do so as well.
If you decide to have post-workout nutrition then learn what is necessary for your goals; and learn to make your items at home.
You can save money, control what goes in your body, and make sure that you like the flavor.
By following these five tips you can save yourself a LOT of money and prevent yourself from feeling "swindled" by the fitness marketers.