How to Make Your Home Safe Without Emptying Your Pocketbook
Crime rates are on the rise and criminals are savvier and more daring than ever before.
Even in so called safe neighborhoods crime statistics show an increase.
Although your home should be your sanctuary, your castle, it is quickly becoming a criminal target.
Home security doesn't mean you have to break open your piggy bank and spend your life savings.
Today, due to competition and prevalence, home alarm systems have become quite affordable.
However, there are even more ways to save on home security measures than simply picking a cheaper home alarm.
Thieves pick their target by casing out homes from the outside.
They know exactly what to look for and their main focus is speed-if they can get in and out of a home quickly without anyone knowing the better, than that house is the perfect target.
Many thieves make their entrance to an unsecure door.
Some people forget to lock their doors, making it even easier for thieves.
Homeowners should always remember to lock all doors and windows, even those on the second floor.
Lock up everything even if you're going out for just a few minutes.
A bar brace, which is basically a heavy adjustable steel bar that wedges against your door at an angle so that it can't be opened is a good inexpensive option for keeping thieves out.
These usually cost under $20 and are easy to install.
If you have a window door install a strong frame with long screws.
Add metal strike plates for extra protection and consider getting heavy duty dead bolts to prevent kick ins.
A double keyed deadbolt that requires keys to get in and out of the house is your best option.
You can purchase these at your local hardware store for under $50.
A door stop alarm is placed against the door and makes a loud noise when the door is opened.
This means any thief that tries to get in will be making a loud entrance and will most likely be discouraged from continuing his exploits.
Similar devices are available for windows too.
Make sure to get locks for your windows.
Self tapping screws, which are placed in the window frame prevent the window from being opened from the outside.
You might also want to consider apply tinted film to your windows as it makes them shatterproof and prevents thieves from seeing what you've got inside your house.
Another excellent idea is to get a dog.
Man's best friend is also man's protector.
Dogs make noise; they bite.
Thieves do not want to deal with being chased by a barking dog so they tend to stay away from homes with dogs, especially, big fierce Rottweiler types.
If you don't want a dog, fake it.
Put out some chewed up dog toys on your lawn.
You could also invest in a Electronic Watch Dog which starts barking when anyone comes within a 20 foot radius of the device; it uses microwaves to detect presences.
Remember when it comes to your home security you don't have to break the bank.
Be smart and get creative.