The Difference Between Good and Bad Carbohydrates
At the beginning of every new year people normally make resolutions to lose weight.
They might have eaten too much food over the holidays so they try and make a conscious effort to join a gym, and go on a diet.
In many cases the diets are very extreme.
And eventually after a few months the resolutions that were made are not kept.
If people could understand the difference between good and bad carbohydrates, then they would eat more nutritious meals and be able to easily lose the weight that they've accumulated.
Fruits are a good source of fiber.
They are low in caloric content and they contain a natural sweetness.
They are simple to eat.
You don't have to cook them.
Most fruits can be peeled and eaten.
Because fruit has fiber it creates a bulk in your stomach and creates a full feeling.
You will not eat as much and therefore, lose weight.
Vegetables are another good source of nutrients.
These are the good carbohydrates.
Most small children detest eating green vegetables.
But they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that the human body needs.
Children need these to be able to grow healthy and strong.
If their bodies are deficient in anything it might cause poor development growth.
Whole grains provide complex carbohydrates.
These are also the good guys.
Not only do they have fiber and low in calories, but they are also low in fat as well.
Most of the whole grains haven't been processed so all of the nutrients are still contained in the food.
Many times people try and avoid carbohydrates as they feel that it will convert to sugar easily.
But when fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are consumed they are considered complex carbohydrates so they will not affect your blood stream as the processed starches will.
Processed foods are man-made creations that contain too much sugar, salt, and chemicals to preserve them.
All of the pastries, candy, cakes, sweets, snacks, and soft drinks contain bad carbohydrates.
There is no inherit value contained within them.
Usually there are no nutrients, vitamins or fiber.
Most of these foods have been refined so that all of the natural goodness has been processed out.
Anything that is processed is considered a bad carbohydrate.
Most foods that are created from nature are good carbohydrates.
The next time you make a visit to your local grocery store make sure to read the labels contained on the food whether it is a cookie, bag of fruit, or bag of lettuce.
It will allow you to see exactly what the food consists of so that you can make wiser decisions in your food choices.
Only then will people be able to recognize the difference between good and bad carbohydrates, tackle the battle of weight.
They might have eaten too much food over the holidays so they try and make a conscious effort to join a gym, and go on a diet.
In many cases the diets are very extreme.
And eventually after a few months the resolutions that were made are not kept.
If people could understand the difference between good and bad carbohydrates, then they would eat more nutritious meals and be able to easily lose the weight that they've accumulated.
Fruits are a good source of fiber.
They are low in caloric content and they contain a natural sweetness.
They are simple to eat.
You don't have to cook them.
Most fruits can be peeled and eaten.
Because fruit has fiber it creates a bulk in your stomach and creates a full feeling.
You will not eat as much and therefore, lose weight.
Vegetables are another good source of nutrients.
These are the good carbohydrates.
Most small children detest eating green vegetables.
But they are an excellent source of vitamins and minerals that the human body needs.
Children need these to be able to grow healthy and strong.
If their bodies are deficient in anything it might cause poor development growth.
Whole grains provide complex carbohydrates.
These are also the good guys.
Not only do they have fiber and low in calories, but they are also low in fat as well.
Most of the whole grains haven't been processed so all of the nutrients are still contained in the food.
Many times people try and avoid carbohydrates as they feel that it will convert to sugar easily.
But when fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are consumed they are considered complex carbohydrates so they will not affect your blood stream as the processed starches will.
Processed foods are man-made creations that contain too much sugar, salt, and chemicals to preserve them.
All of the pastries, candy, cakes, sweets, snacks, and soft drinks contain bad carbohydrates.
There is no inherit value contained within them.
Usually there are no nutrients, vitamins or fiber.
Most of these foods have been refined so that all of the natural goodness has been processed out.
Anything that is processed is considered a bad carbohydrate.
Most foods that are created from nature are good carbohydrates.
The next time you make a visit to your local grocery store make sure to read the labels contained on the food whether it is a cookie, bag of fruit, or bag of lettuce.
It will allow you to see exactly what the food consists of so that you can make wiser decisions in your food choices.
Only then will people be able to recognize the difference between good and bad carbohydrates, tackle the battle of weight.