How to Kill Sand Flies
- 1). Purchase a flea bomb canister from your local home improvement store or pesticide distributor. Essentially, the device is a can that dispenses a mist containing chemicals designed to kill certain pests and their eggs. Ask a sales rep whether the one you're purchasing works on sand flies.
- 2). Sweep all hard surface floors and vacuum any carpet in the room infested with sand flies.
- 3). Clear home of all people, pets, plants, food and utensils. Disable any electrical appliances and shut all windows.
- 4). Put a sheet of newspaper in the middle of the room. Shake the flea bomb thoroughly and place the canister over the paper.
- 5). Put on gloves, goggles and a painter's mask to prevent incidental inhalation or contact with the skin or eyes while activating the flea bomb. This is extremely important.
- 6). Tilt the can at an angle away from your face. Firmly press down on the edge of the actuator tab located at the top of the canister.
- 7). Exit the room and close the door. Wait several hours before returning to open all windows and outside doors so that the room may air out for an additional 30 minutes.
- 8). Vacuum or sweep up any dead flies and properly dispose of the newspaper and can.