Get Your Ex Back - Stop Pushing Her Away
At first things may seem great, but somehow, some way the relationship just gives itself up.
If you have gone through a break up just recently, there is still a chance and a way to get your girlfriend back.
Before you decide to do any of this, first ask yourself one question.
Do you really love her? If you really do, then you can go after her again, and hopefully fix the relationship.
The reason why you should ask yourself if you love her is that if you do, then your chances will be a lot better, because your motivation will by very high.
Love is a very powerful feeling, and if used correctly, will make all your efforts worthwhile.
First thing is to keep talking/communicating with each other.
If you show that you are mature enough to "deal with it" then she will most likely want to talk about how the relationship went south.
You need to first start with asking for her forgiveness, then tell her that you will forgive everything that she did.
Remember YOU are the one who wants the relationship back, so keep her foul play out, as much as possible.
So apologize first and then see where that takes you.
Try to see the break up in a positive way.
Treat it as if you are strengthening your relationship skills, and pursuing what you really want in life.
Put your effort into it and show that you really care, if you do this, it will increase your commitment level.