How to Become a Bird Watcher
- 1). Position a bird feeder in clear view of a window. This is the best way to get started. Observe the birds that visit the feeder and familiarize yourself with these types. You'll find you can learn a great deal about the birds in your area without ever leaving your chair.
- 2). Venture farther out with a knowledgeable acquaintance. Get a feel for what birds to look for and how to recognize them. Having a knowledgeable bird person tagging along will be hugely beneficial in learning how to spot them and knowing what to look for.
- 3). Research the species that are likely to be found in the habitat you regularly visit. Learn about their habits and what time of day is best to spot them.
- 4). Get the necessary gear. When you’re ready to get serious about bird-watching, having the right gear is essential. Most bird-watchers use binoculars with a magnification of seven times. Wear dull colored clothing so as to not disturb the birds when in their natural habitat.
- 5). Observe. Move quietly and find a place to sit or crouch. Armed with your binoculars and a good eye, you can bird-watch to your heart’s content.