Trying to find a good place to advertise your web site ?
Not only is it a nice place to get a instant link back to your web site you can also input your phone number and address with that feature you get your own Google map beside your listing.
The added feature I like is that you can have any prospective clients contact you from the edirectory also they can leave comments and add a star rating one of the things not only people like to see but with this new algorithm Google search bots have got in place it will see all them nice reports about your service or business.
It has a lot more features than any of the yell or Thompson online directories Ive seen plus one of the nicest features is that its been developed to be search engine friendly and you have your unique own listing page which has its own URL address. This means if your a electrician in London you could use that in the title of your listing page and have it as your own unique web address in the eDirectory, nice feature i thought as I'm always forgetting where i place my adds when you tend to use other free boring looking business directories your url most likely be a hole heep of numbers not with the eDirecorty I manage to get my city and trade in the one url.
So claim your name today and check it out you have nothing to lose but gain a link back to your won web site and have your own space on the edirectory and get your own personal page at the eDirectory UK Online Business Directory