The History Of Elliott And Macola ERP Software
One of the first companies to recognize the need for software applications that could automate business functions was MCBA. In the 1980s, this software company developed several individual modules that addressed various needs and automated many business functions. Those modules included accounts payable, accounts receivable, general ledger, and so on.
It was from these original modules that one of the first true ERP products was developed in the 1980s: Macola Software. Upon its arrival in the marketplace, Macola offered one of the only comprehensive business software solutions designed for PCs. Thanks to the emergence of Macola Software, ERP technology quickly evolved into an application that suited small- to medium-sized businesses, as well as large-scale corporations.
Just as Macola was a derivative of the original MCBA modules, other innovative business software solutions were derived from the original Macola product. One of these, NETcellent's Elliott Business Software, first emerged in the marketplace in 1999. Beginning in 1991 as a value-added reseller of Macola Software, NETcellent specialized in customizing Macola for its customers. As time went by, the company began to focus its efforts on providing a reliable software solution for accounting, distributing and light manufacturing - Elliott Business Software.
Since the mid-1990s and the dawn of the Internet age, both Macola and Elliott have grown and developed to better suit the needs of their customer base. In 2001, Macola was purchased by Exact Software, which now offers four Macola products, each intended for different business environments: Macola ES, Macola Distribution Pro, Macola Manufacturing Pro and Macola Progression. NETcellent has also continued to develop its Elliott Business Software in an effort to remain on the cutting edge of ERP software technology. Over the past several years, they have expanded their services to include website design, e-business and e-commerce solutions, and a front-end interface designed to integrate with a "behind-the-scenes" ERP software package.
There's no doubt that business needs have changed drastically over the past 35 years. The development of the Internet in the mid-1990s forever changed the way we do business in the U.S. and around the world. In order to stay competitive within today's marketplace, it's important for companies to employ the latest in technological advances, such as those provided by Macola ES and Elliott Business Software.