Single Moms and the Little Things in Life
When I ask them what they are doing for July 4th, they are either not taking their kids for fireworks or doing it at a distance, because of the possible loud noises.
None of which occurs to me.
As a first time mom, should I even have considered these? The only thing I can think about is how exciting it will be for B.
Then again, I hadn't really ever stopped to think of the "loud" noises that might scare him.
Should I be more cautious? Then I think, Nah.
I really think B will love it.
Every once and a while, my mom lets B watch her play solitaire on the computer.
When she wins, "fireworks" go off or the cards create different designs.
B loves it.
He gets in a daze and can't take his eyes off of it.
I don't know if it's the designs or the bright lights or what, but he always loves it.
So I figure that's what he will think of fireworks.
Then again, he could have the opposite reaction.
Kids are really so unpredictable.
My mom and older sister join B and me on July 4th.
We head to Lake Grapevine, where I went last year and enjoyed it.
This time, I drive a different way to get there and am I in for a BIG surprise.
I can't believe how many people there are.
Yes, it's July 4th.
Yes, it's a lake, where a lot of people go for this holiday.
But I never imagined THAT many people.
I keep driving, because being around THAT many people doesn't excite me.
I want to find where I went last year, because there were DEFINITELY fewer people.
I come upon the cross street and know I could be close.
I finally find the area and now is the real task...
finding PARKING! After another 15 minutes, I park, and we hike up and down a few hills before getting to our destination.
It's still a little bright out when we arrive, so we sit on our blanket and relax, while people watching.
Which, let's face it, is half the fun! It becomes dark, and they shoot off a couple of tester fireworks.
I watch B to see how he reacts.
I don't know if that's a good or a bad sign.
A few minutes later, they do the same thing.
And again nothing from B.
I'm a bit confused.
I mean, no reaction at all.
No smile.
No clap.
No nothing.
I have no idea what to anticipate when the show is about to start.
My mom holds him, while I grab my camera.
I want to catch his reaction.
And then it begins...
Boom, boom, BOOM! The fireworks go one after another, as I stare at B.
Waiting for something.
Then I realize...
this is the something...
the anything.
He sits still...
With no reaction.
No excitement.
No amazement.
but this is IT! My mom hands B to me.
As he sits in my lap, I'm amazed.
This is the boy who doesn't sit still for any longer than two minutes...
literally! He is a mover and a shaker.
He has places to go and people to see.
Except for today.
Except for right now.
His eyes are glued to the bright colors, spectacular lights, and the Boom, Boom, BOOM! He loves it.
And I LOVE that he LOVES it! I'm so, SUPER excited I took him (even though it never occurred to me NOT to take him).
After 20 minutes, the show is over, and I'm amazed at how long he sat there...
not moving, as though in a trace.
I love this boy more and more.
He's just so funny! If only we could do fireworks every day.
I know, I know, that's asking WAAAYYY too much.
But this girl can dream, can't she?!